
Un invito del Tamer Institute for Community Education rivolto agli illustratori e agli autori italiani di letteratura per l'infanzia: donare ai bambini palestinesi illustrazioni, storie, poesie sul tema UNA VITA IMMAGINATA, per sostenerli e aiutarli a superare la disperazione e immaginare una vita serena e dignitosa.

Il nostro dono sarà solo una carezza, un sorriso, dato da lontano nella speranza che possa essere, anche solo per un momento, contagioso. Non vedo altro modo per rispondere a quell’appello se non questo: l’abbandono di uno sguardo adulto e utopico, la consapevolezza di chi sa che una storia se è buona è gradita sempre, anche sotto le bombe, e che serve a tutto e non serve a nulla, come una carezza. (Fabrizio Silei)

Invito in inglese

Ecco il testo originale dell'invito del Tamer

Call for Art

Tamer Institute rises above the Pain to convey its appreciation of the warm messages we received as a result of the Israeli Occupation aggression happening in Palestine now, mainly in Gaza. Tamer Institute is well admired by the international community for its hard work in Palestine and for the Palestinian children. We have been very proud to invite or host you to Palestine in order to further inspire the children and librarians, not only with the works you already published, but with the creative spirit you astonished with those who met you. We insist that the power of children’s literature has contributed and still can contribute to helping children of Palestine find a free and safe learning lifestyle, as a healing power under the hardest circumstances.

The situation can’t be less human. A colleague and a friend in Gaza just wrote to us: ‘after yesterday’s horrible night, my wife, me and my 2 years child are living by coincidence’.  Coincidences are those when you meet places or people you have a good or a bad memory with, but a coincidence can’t be worst when you would live for tomorrow or not.  It’s a new meaning to the word that must be taught to generations. Even a play yard, and an UNRWA school were bombarded. We appeal to your creative hands to help us maintain peace and imagination of children, each from their background of knowledge and experiences.

A thought came to our mind, as a result of your letters and participations in illustration or on children’s literature writings or tales to describe the situation from your eye as Illustrators, Writers or a Storytellers not living in Palestine. We wish to encourage each of you having any sketch, any illustration,  a phrase, a short poem, or children’s story, or a tale that relates to the situation to donate it in favor of the Palestinian children. At the moment, Tamer is thinking how can we bring back the hunger for life spirit in the eyes of children  amidst the toll of death and destruction.

We wish, by your support, to collect as many participations, reflecting on the situation under the theme “A Life Imagined’.  The contributions we hope you will be sending will be published through a poster, or a book by Tamer Institute to help Palestinian children maintain an imagined life were they feel safe and in a human atmosphere. The contributions will also convey a message to the world that children of Palestine are humans who value life even if their photos are posted as in blooded carnages!

This letter can travel to as many illustrators, writers and storytellers through you or your friends and we hope your participations can reach out for the children in Gaza, in all Palestine.
Tamer wishes to have a permission from your side as a license for using your contribution in its publication and through its various media tools.

Thank you in advance for participating in ending the cruelty of situation in Palestine!
Thank you for not leaving the children in Palestine alone!

Best wishes

Tamer Institute for Community Education